A JEOL JEM-2100F is field emission gun transmission electron microscope equipped with an imaging spherical aberration corrector (CEOS), Oxford INCA Energy TEM 200 EDS system, high-angle annular dark field detector, Gatan annular dark field detector/bright field detector, as well as Gatan (Tridiem) image filter (GIF) system. With the aberration corrector, the ultrahigh resolution atom imaging of crystal lattice can be readily achieved.


  • Acceleration Voltage: 80kV, 200kV
  • Information limit: 1.4 Å or better,  1.9Å (80kV)
  • Energy resolution: 0.92eV@110µA
  • STEM resolution: 1.6 Å
  • 2.7 Å (80kV)
  • A probe size: < 2.0 Å


  • Gatan Orius SC 1000 (2k × 4k)
  • GIF UltraScan (2k ×2k)

Specimen stages

  • Single tilt holder
  • Double tilt low background holder
  • In-situ heating/cooling/straining holder
  • Hysitron PI-95 TEM PicoIndenter