Nina Claudia Rastinger



… received degrees in both Psychology and German Philology and graduated from the University of Vienna with distinction. Her masterthesis examined the use of Antiqua and Fraktur in 18th century periodicals and her areas of interest include early modern texts, historical newspapers, and digital workflows for corpus-based research. Presently, she is acting as co-convenor of the DHd working group “Zeitungen und Zeitschriften”.

At the ACDH-CH, Nina C. Rastinger is engaged in the research units Literary&Textual Studies and DH Research&Infrastructure. She is currently leading the City of Vienna funded project “Visiting Vienna – digital approaches to the (semi-)automatic analysis of the arrival lists found in the Wien[n]erisches Diarium” as part of her dissertation on lists in historical newspapers and is participating in the BMBWF project “Digital Transformation of the Austrian Humanities” (DiTAH).

In the past, Nina C. Rastinger also took part in various other research and infrastructure projects at the ACDH-CH, namely the project “RepoLandscape – Konsolidierung und Harmonisierung der österreichweiten Repositorienlandschaft für geistes- und kulturwissenschaftliche Forschungsdaten” (PI: Matej Ďurčo), the City of Vienna funded project “TIME MACHINE VIENNA: Corresponding digital data treasures and knowledge resources” (PI: Claudia Resch), the go!digital project “Das Wien[n]erische Diarium: A digital data treasury for the humanities” (PI: Claudia Resch), the FWF project “Relational Adjectives in the History of German” (RAHiG, PI: Martina Werner) and the Elise-Richter-project “The Diachrony of the Nominalized Infinitive in German”  (PI: Martina Werner).



  • Resch, Claudia, Nina C. Rastinger, and Thomas Kirchmair. 2024. From semi-structured text to tangible categories: Analysing and annotating death lists in 18th century newspaper issues. Digital Humanities Quarterly 17: 13.
  • Rastinger, Nina C., and Claudia Resch. 2023. Darstellungs- und Deutungsmuster von Naturkatastrophen im 18. Jahrhundert. Korpusbasierte Erkenntnisse aus der digitalen Wiener Zeitung.. Jahrbuch für Kommunikationsgeschichte 25: 103-126.
  • Martina Werner, Nina C. Rastinger. 2023. Zur Methodik bei Schnittstellenphänomenen in der historischen Korpuslinguistik. Exemplifiziert an den relationalen Adjektiven des Altdeutschen.. In Methoden zur Erforschung grammatischer Strukturen in historischen Quellen. Vom Einzelfall zum System., ed. Christian Braun & Elisabeth Scherr, 61-72. Lingua Historica Germanica, 28. de Gruyter.
  • Rastinger, Nina C., Thomas Kirchmair, Lydia Fytraki, and Claudia Resch. 2022. "Points of entry" taken literally: Mapping arrivals and lodgings of the upper class in 18th Century Vienna. Spatial Humanities 2022. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7006191.
  • Resch, Claudia, Nina C. Rastinger, and Thomas Kirchmair. 2022. Die historische Wiener Zeitung und ihre Sterbelisten als Fundament einer Vienna Time Machine: Digitale Ansätze zur automatischen Identifikation von Toponymen. Wiener Digitale Revue. Zeitschrift für Germanistik und Gegenwart 4: k.A.
  • Martina Werner,, and Nina C. Rastinger. 2022. Domain adverbials and morphology: the rivalry between -mäßig and -technisch in German.. In Adverbs and adverbials. Categorial issues., eds. Pierre-Yves Modicom and Olivier Duplâtre. Trends In Linguistics. Studies And Monographs, 371. ÖAW-Verlag.