
ACDH @ DHd 2019

This week, the annual DHD conference takes place in Frankfurt and Mainz. Several ACDH researchers are contributing to the programme.

Screenshot of the automatically generated, animated logo of the DHd2019 by Matthias Dufner, Katharina Kiefer, Anne Klammt and Jonas Sell

This week, the association for Digital Humanities in the german-speaking area (Verband Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum DHd) is hosting its 6th annual conference, dedicated to the theme "multimedial & multimodal" in Frankfurt and Mainz. From Monday to Friday, the DH community from German speaking countries will convene for a programme of workshops, papers, panel discussions and poster presentations to reflect the dimension of mediality in digital humanities research and explore methods that allow for multimedial and multimodal approaches to data. Several ACDH researchers will be contributing to the programme and presenting their work at the conference.

Starting out on Monday (25 March, 14.00-17.30), the ACDH's Peter Andorfer, together with Fabian Cremer and Timo Steyer, will be guiding a hackathon-like workshop dedicated to creating a digital publication of the DHd 2019 Book of Abstracts, while reflecting critically on issues of digital publication for the digital humanities.

With the conference programme proper starting on Wednesday, the first paper contributed by ACDH researchers is part of the session "Objekt - Raum - Zeit" (Wed 27 March, 9.00-10.30). Matthias Schlögl, Peter Andorfer, Peter Paul Marckgott-Sanabria, Anna Piechl and Antonia Dünckelmann will be presenting "HistoGIS: Vom Punkt zur Fläche in Raum und Zeit".

Later that day, researchers from the Digitarium project will be joining the panel on "Zeitungen und Zeitschriften als multimodale, digitale Forschungsprojekte: Theorien und Methoden" (Wed 27 March, 11.00-12.30) with Claudia Resch and Dario Kampkaspar presenting the project's perspective in their case study on the project's participatory approach "Die Wiener Zeitung als Fallstudie: Partizipative Ansätze in der Praxis".

On Thursday, the session "Datenmodelle und Schnittstellen" (Thu 28 March, 11.00-12.30) will feature collaborative work by researchers from the ACDH and the University of Graz with Georg Vogelers, Gunter Vasolds and Matthias Schlögl's paper "Von IIIF zu IPIF? Ein Vorschlag für den Datenaustausch über Personen" on prosopography.

In the poster session on Thursday from 16.00-19.00 you can catch Vanessa Hannesschläger's poster on open data approaches to digital scholarship on contemporary literature, titled "Forschung öffnen: Möglichkeiten, Potentiale und Grenzen von Open Science am Beispiel der offenen Datenbank "Handke: in Zungen"" as well as Ksenia Zaytseva's and Stephan Kurz's (INZ) poster on "Herausforderungen für Thementhesauri und Sachregister-Vokabularien zur Erschließung im Kontext des digitalen Editionsprojekts Cisleithanische Ministerratsprotokolle".


More information on the conference programme can be found here:

Conference Time Table

Book of Abstracts



25-30 March 2019


Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt (main programme)

Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (pre-conference Workshops)


Conference Website

Conference Programme

Book of Abstracts

Twitter Hashtag
