"The Global Flow of People" by Sander, Abel & Bauer (www.global-migration.info) © - VID

Research Group Leader: Jesus Crespo Cuaresma

The research group on education, migration and environment uses quantitative methods to assess policy relevant issues related to the interactions of migration, human capital dynamics and the environment. Our research on education across the world takes the view that individual education behaviour and outcomes, as well as their aggregate dynamics at the population level, can be studied systematically as demographic events and characteristics. This leads to both a substantive focus on the role of education in demographic processes (e.g. the fertility and mortality transition and migration) and other behaviours (e.g. environmentally related actions), but also to the application and transfer of demographic methods of analysis to the field of education.

 Our work on migration deals also with the application of innovative statistical models, spatial analysis tools, multi-regional projection models, novel data visualisation techniques, and demographic and geographic theory linked to the causes, patterns and consequences of migration. Under the context of global environmental change, our research tackles the interactions between population, migration and environment – both anthropogenic impacts on the environment and population as a unit being affected by environmental change. We consider how population size, distribution and composition (by age, sex and education) interact with and influence the environment and how the impacts of global environmental change vary across population subgroups.



Climate, Health and Population (CHAP) - Climate Change and Differential Vulnerabilities in the Metropolitan Area of Vienna