Vivante 1980: P. Vivante, Men’s epithets in Homer. An essay in poetic syntax, Glotta 58 1980 157-172.
  • Epitheta, Formeln

    Vivante 1980a: P. Vivante, Rose-fingered dawn and the idea of time, Ramus 8 1980 125-136.

  • Epitheta, Formeln, type-scene

    Vivante 1982: P. Vivante, The epithets in Homer. A study in poetic values, New Haven, Conn. Yale Univ. Pr. 1982 x & 222 p.

  • Epitheta
  • Austin CPh 80 1985 67-69, Jones CR 34 1984 304-305, Rexine Platon 36 1984 147-149, Silk G&R 31 1984 84, Simonsuuri Arctos 17 1983 140, LEC 52 1984 360, Stanford Hermathena 136 1984 63-65

    Vivante 1982a: P. Vivante, The syntax of Homer’s epithets of wine, Glotta 60 1982 13-23.

  • Epitheta, Formeln

    Vivante 1983: P. Vivante, On Homer, Il. 1,46-47, Eranos 81 1983 l-6.

  • Il. 1,46s

    Vivante 1985: P. Vivante, Homer, Hermes Books New Haven Yale Univ. Pr. 1985 xiv & 218 p.

  • Einführungen
  • Dawe CJ 83 1987 59-64, Lombardo RPL 10 1987 321-322, Lynn-George EMC 31 1987 55-68, Parker G&R 33 1986 85-86, Rexine Platon 37 1985 258-259, Taplin NYRB 33 Nr. 4 1986 39-42

    Vivante 1990: P. Vivante, The Iliad. Action as poetry, Twayne’s masterworks studies Nr. 60 Boston Twayne 1990 vii & 150 p. index.

  • Einführungen, Ilias-Handlung
  • Ascher CW 85 1991-1992 721, Edwards CR 43 1993 162-163, Grene Hermathena 152 1992 82-83, Wankenne LEC 61 1993 77-78