Powell B. 1978: B. B. Powell, Word patterns in the catalogue of ships (B 494-709). A structural analysis of Homeric language, Hermes 106 1978 255-264.
  • epische Technik, Katalog
  • Il. 2,494-709

    Powell B. 1990: B. B. Powell, Homer and the origin of the Greek alphabet, Cambridge Cambridge Univ. Pr. 1990 xxv & 280 p. ill. Karten index.

  • Schriftlichkeit, Sprache
  • Duhoux AC 62 1993 365-368, Goins CW 85 1991-1992 735, Konishi Phoenix 46 1992 270-273, Lang BMCRev 2 1991 316-318, Mandell AncW 23 1992 95-97, Morris CPh 88 1993 71-77, Ridgway CR 42 1992 350-353, Schmitt Kratylos 37 1992 69-73, West AHR 97 1992 526

    Powell B. 1992: B. B. Powell, Homer and the Greek alphabet, CArchJ 2 1992 115-118.

  • Schriftlichkeit

    Powell B. 1992a: B. B. Powell, Reply, CArchJ 2 1992 125-126.

  • Schriftlichkeit

    Powell J. 1988: J. T. Powell, Homeric hapax legomena and other infrequent words, Diss. Yale Univ. New Haven, Conn. 1988 410 p. [microfilm]; DA 50 1989-1990 3577A.

  • Sprache