Andersen L. 1988: L. Andersen, The Greek epic and Greek mythology and their links with the near East, East and West. Cultural relations in the ancient world, ed. by Fischer-Hansen Tobias : Acta Hyperborea Nr. 1 Copenhagen Museum Tusculanum Pr. 1988 167 p. 18 pl. 33-43.
  • Orient

    Andersen Ø. 1978: Ø. Andersen, Die Diomedesgestalt in der Ilias, SO Suppl. XXV Oslo Univ.-Forl. 1978 149 p.

  • Diomedes, Ilias-Handlung, Ilias-Struktur
  • LEC 47 1979 187, García López Emerita 49 1981 202, Hooker JHS 99 1979 168, Ireland G&R 26 1979 87, Schwabl WS 14 1980 233, Scott CW 72 1979 313, Tarditi Aevum LV1981 149-150, Valgiglio Maia 32 1980 213-214, Willcock CR 30 1980 132

    Andersen Ø. 1981: Ø. Andersen, A note on the mortality of gods in Homer, GRBS 22 1981 323-327.

  • Menschenbild, Religion, Götter

    Andersen Ø. 1982: Ø. Andersen, Litai und Ehre. Zu Ilias 9,513f., Glotta 60 1982 7-13.

  • Il. 9,513s

    Andersen Ø. 1982a: Ø. Andersen, Thersites und Thoas vor Troia, SO 57 1982 7-34.

  • Thersites, Thoas, Neoanalyse

    Andersen Ø. 1983: Ø. Andersen, Homer og det episke, Edda 1983 71-90.

  • epische Technik, Poetik

    Andersen Ø. 1987: Ø. Andersen, Myth, paradigm and spatial form in the Iliad, Homer, beyond oral poetry. Recent trends in Homeric interpretation, ed. by Bremer J. M. & Jong Irene J. F. de & Kalff J. : Amsterdam Grüner 1987 xi & 212 p. 1-13.

  • Exemplum, Poetik

    Andersen Ø. 1990: Ø. Andersen, The making of the past in the Iliad, HSPh 93 1990 25-45.

  • Exemplum, Ilias-Handlung, Oral-poetry
  • Il. 4,370-400

    Andersen Ø. 1992: Ø. Andersen, Agamemnon’s singer (Od. 3,262-272), SO 67 1992 5-26.

  • Gleichnis, Poetik
  • Od. 3,262-272